Previous projects
Previous projects
DP’s history with Angels
Index of used pseudonyms (+ activities)
• Dick Pieter
• Daniel Partielle
• Dion Pascalle
• Dirk Pieter (currently)
DP’s ordinary life/other

Shared view by dp.
DP’s history with AngelsDirk Pieter has a long history with angels. This has to do with earlier works, mostly female portraits. Based on primarily simple low quality photographs he was trying to find the hidden angels in each photo. Things he made, just came up while he was busy with this. Just coincidences of things that happened on his screen. The original photographs he started with where found in his family album, send to him for portraits in commission, or found on the internet. See the video below for an overall impression of previous works. (All videos are made by Dirk Pieter)
DP’s Index of used pseudonyms (+ activities)
Dirk Pieter has worked under many pseudonyms. Most of them have in common that they start with the initials ‘dp’. A short list (the long list will take too much space) of used pseudonyms with their activity, below…
- Dick Pieter, Dutch, Rotterdam/Amsterdam
– Graphic art. Portraits combined with typographic things, all angels.
– Portraits in commission, angels as well.
– Some humoristic/absurdist/nonsense writing.*Various (and commissioned portraits) by Dick Pieter.
* A trilogy of Dick Pieter was published in a no longer existing obscure magazine under the name Saskia Mendesz. Saskia wrote a ‘realistic’ story about her ‘interview’ with the ’great Dick Pieter’. This ‘interview’ was meant as a warm-up and introduction of Dick Pieter as columnist for that same magazine.
- Daniel Partielle (French, Paris)
– Graphic art, mostly more abstract portraits of angels.
– Also, If he has to speak/write English in public, he prefers to do that as Daniel. No one can expect a French artist to speak English properly, he said. Which, of course, fits nicely with his, to put it very mildly, ‘uncommon’ English. (Side note. Allegedly that Daniel sometimes is located in New York. That’s probably for in case he needs to communicate in French. After all, no one will expect an US artist speaks a word of French at all ;-))
Works of Daniel.
A nice artistic video with
more impressions
of his work below.
- Dion Pascalle (Italian, Florence.)
– Graphics, mirrored angels.
A video of Dion’s works below.
- Dirk Pieter |=his real birthname | (The Netherlands, Capelle a/d IJssel)
– Art & Book project 999 Angels. -
A video about the current Art & Book project below.
Side note.
The photographs shown in the video are part of the project (first release, two parts). Their display on the screen gives a different impression than in the rough editions of the books and is not comparable.
First book release.
The first edition was released when Dirk Pieter was nearly half-way his “999 Angels Encyclopedia”. Each book in this first release contains about 230 street portraits. The new enhanced multilingual editions (3 books) have grown in size and volume, and has more than double the number of Angels in each book.
First edition above.
See also the Home page about this project.
In his more ordinary live, he is known by his call sign/nickname Dick (Burgers), which is a common name in the Netherlands, but not very handy in some other countries. So, more and more, he prefers Dirk instead. Under “About the author” you can find a little more about, in his words: “a little boring, common, but not unhappy ordinary life”. For some, it might be a little less boring or common than he says.
Impression: dp on the wall
& on the coffee table.